Saturday, March 3, 2007

In preparation for the big trip

Q: Why are you keeping a blog now?
A: I don't really know! Then again, there are many things I've done that can't be explained. Without further ado, welcome to my blog.

I'm going to Europe! Hopefully this blog will help all of you keep a virtual eye and ear on my adventure. Lets think of it this way, since you can't go, and I can, you can somehow vicariously live through my ordeal.

Here are some of the details for those who have no clue whats going on (my other question is, if you have no clue whats going on, how did you even find my blog?). Okay, lets start from the very top level and work down into details.

Q: Where are you going?
A: Easier question would be, "Where am I NOT going?"

Q: How long are you going for?
A: Headed out for close to three months. The exact dates are March 6, 2007 - May 23, 2007.

Q: What in the hell are you going to do for all that time?
A: Do you want an honest answer? Okay, honestly, I have no clue. For as long as I can remember, I haven't had this long of a period in which I've had no responsibilities, no school, and no work.

Q: Are you scared about going by yourself?
A: I think I just shat myself again. Yes, I'm scared, but I'm also very excited. I've never done such a big solo trip, and I don't think I'll ever have the time in the foreseeable future. Its really a "once in a lifetime trip", and I'm taking the opportunity.

Q: How are you going to afford the trip?
A: I sold a kidney on the black market. No, just was only a spleen. But really, I saved up my hard earned money. Remember when we were kids and made choices such as, "I'm going to save up my money for something big" but never realized what that big item was? Well, I realized! BUT at the rate that banks steal my money on foreign exchanges and the weak US dollar, I'll really need to start considering selling body parts off!

Q: How much stuff are you taking with you?
A: One 40L backpack worth of clothes, toiletries, medicine, etc. One digital camera, one day bag, 1 pair of hiking boots, and 1 pair of shower flip flops. I consider myself pretty low maintenance, so hopefully this will be enough. If all else fails, I've heard that one pair of underwear can be worn four days straight. The right way on day one, backwards on day two, inside-out frontwards on day three, and inside-out backwards on day four!

Q: What about on day five?
A: Commando style.

Q: Do you know any foreign languages that will allow you to communicate in Europe?
A: Nope. I know my English, and I know Mandarin Chinese. I hope they either speak English or Chinese. I'm screwed aren't I?

Q: How much preparing did you do for this trip?
A: I'd like to say that I spent months poring over every travel book and studying individual country details, but lets just say...I visited the library about 3 weeks ago and checked out a couple guidebooks, which I really haven't even read. I sort of want to "free ball" this trip to a certain degree and be stress free and flexible in my day to day activities. I have a general idea of where I want to go, but I don't have a stiff agenda by any means. I bet as I say this, all the people who plan out every detail are freaking out =)

Q: What happens when you (inevitably) get lost, can't communicate, and become stranded?
A: How bad could it be? Has anyone seen Eurotrip? They seemed to make it out just fine =) Has anyone seen Hostel? I haven't, and I don't plan on it either =)

Q: Do you not have any responsibilities to take care of here?
A: Nope! I'm a free man, and nothing is holding me back!

Well, I hope that gives you a good idea about my trip. I'll try to update this on a semi-weekly basis assuming I even remember my login and password to this site!

Keep in touch world, I'm out on Tuesday evening!


amy said...
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amy said...

you're such a dork for making up questions and answering them but i have another question for you..
how can you handle not seeing your wonderful and lovely sister for 3 months?
<3 amy

Diana said...

I miss you already Jon! Take a million pictures and find a Grimaldi's!!