Saturday, March 24, 2007


Sorry I haven't updated in the last couple of days, but let me give you a rundown of what has happened in my exciting travels! I've left Nice now, and moved onto Rome Italy. That is it. Good bye.

Actually, Nice was SO much fun. So much fun that I almost missed my train to Rome the next morning due to excessive and heavy partying the night before. I had every intention of going to bed early and getting a full recommended 7-8 hours, but instead, a couple of games of Kings Cup later, I sort of stumble to my room and *luckily* set my alarm. Either way, the hostel (Villa St. Expurny) was one of the best I've ever stayed at.

From there, hopped onto the train into Rome. Have you seen Eurotrip? Do you remember the weird Italian guy who they encountered while going to Rome? Well, I was terrified I was going to have the same experience. So much so that I put one bag on each side of myself to block any potential people. Nevertheless, nothing terribly exciting happened, except for this old lady who was in my cabin and received a million phone calls. Problem was, she kept ending the red button (end call) when trying to pick this up, and confused everyone in the cabin. I finally attempted to help her out, except she understood ZERO English, and I understand ZERO Italian. We did work out the problem though, with my super good sound effects and hand signals!

Now, onto Rome. Rome is big, Rome is dirty, and the pizza is amazing.For me, Rome is a 180 change from Nice which was a relaxed, beach town. Rome on the other hand, being the cradle of Western Civilization, is huge! The traffic is frightening, and no one obeys traffic lights. I've lived in New York City, and I never fear for my life when I J walk, but here, its a real game of frogger, except, with no game over's and restarts! I found out the way to do it is, find a gap in the flow of cars, busses, and mopeds, and just walk. Close your eyes, and walk. Easy to say, hard to do. I always end up like a deer in headlights jumping around and dodging. Luckily, no accidents yet, which I'm surprised at! We'll see, I have a couple more days still.

The other thing about Rome: PIZZA is really good. There are many pizza shops that sell by weight. You just tell them how big you want, and they cut and weigh it. Ends up only being around 2 Euro for a huge slice of heaven. Did I just say Heaven, Yes, yes I did. In my personal opinion, forget Vatican City, forget the Panthenon, forget the Colosseum. Find all the pizza shops you can, and eat pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Before I forget, the most amazing pizza is officially hard boiled eggs, some type of salami, and olives. I know, odd combo, but an orgasm in your mouth, everytime, guaranteed.

Today, I'm off to go inside the Colosseum and pretend I'm a gladiator. I wonder if I can find a Wal-Mart that is starting to sell early Halloween costumes...?

PS - I'm fake writing my blog on GMAIL. There is a huge line of people waiting to use the computer, and i would feel bad if I was updating my blog, so I am pretending to write an important email, whereby I'll later just upload this whole thing onto blogger! I'm so smart, and so sneaky =)

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