Friday, April 13, 2007

Pest, Buda

Budapest has been great. Thats about the only way to describe it. Ive spent close to a week bumming around the city now and have still barely seen any of the major sites! Thats not really because there is just THAT much to do, but instead, Ive taken part in alternative activities such as caving, bathing, and drinking.

Met a whole bunch of cool people at the hostel (Vamhaz Hostel) and have mainly lounged around with them in my adventures. For instance, yesterday, we went the the bath house - which is very famous in Budapest. I tried to be a badass and suggested we stay there for at least eight hours (understand though, I was completely joking). Well, we got there, and after two hours, I sort of start to wonder if people have taken me seriously! After three hours, I am burning up and antsy and ready to go. Around three and a half hours into it, Im starving, dehydrated, and worried. After four hours, we finally left! During those four hours though, we tested out 38C natural hot springs, 34C, 60-80C sauna (I almost died), and other sets of medicinal hot springs! Even though I was itching to get out, the whole experience was extremely relaxing...a natural high you could say!

(This is out of chronological time order, but just follow me) The day before yesterday, the hostelers and I got this great idea to check out this dodgy area of town called Chinese Markets. Lets just say, its located next to a set of abandoned railroad tracks in a shanty town environment and beside a cemetary. Does that give you any idea what it might look like? It was supposed to be filled with stolen items, designer knock offs, and for some reason, lots of weird looking underwear! I had a great time, though I think of the the guys was scared shitless...

Today in the afternoon, Im going caving under Budapest! Tell me that doesnt sound like a dangerous idea. Im not sure of the exact details...but...we are all required to wear a hard hat, and the brochure explains that we will be crawling, scrambling, and be exposed to a real sense of adventure!! Im pumped!

Finally to top off my alternative sight seeing adventure in Budapest, Ive decided to skip museums and art galleries in favor of interesting, unique bars and extra filling restaurants! I have ate like a king and drank like there is no tomorrow =)

Until next time...enjoy your workday, school, or whatever activity that takes up your day!

1 comment:

amy said...

we went caving once in maine or vermont or something..i cant remember if you were there, i dont think so though! but hard hats? creepy