Thursday, April 19, 2007

Bratislava, and beyond

How do I begin to describe Bratislava? Well...lets start by how it is different from Eurotrip!

How its different:
-its not completely run down. The city center area is actually meticulously clean with work crews going back and forth to pick up all litter.
-it wasn't that scary. Even though I have never seen "Hostel", I had at least a dozen people ask me about it when I mentioned I was going to Bratislava. Now even though I didn't see the movie...I still got the jist of it though, being that there was a lot of gore, violence, etc. and 100% of it being taken out on the hostelers. To be completely honest, I was semi scared to go out after night fall, but in the day time, it was completely safe!
-SOME people are very up to date on fashion. Again, in the city center, I found all the high end shops you'd expect in a big fashion capital. But then again, I also found some clothing that seemed to come from...Walmart + Thrift Store + years or not washing clothes + anything else weird you can think of. It was strange...
-it was NOT cheap to find housing. In it, they book a five star hotel for a nickel. I booked a hostel not even in the city center for 15 Euro!!

But of course, it also has similar elements to Eurotrip:
-drinking is dirt cheap
-there are quite a few run down buildings that look like they were were the shooting locations of the movie
-there are WEIRD people. When I got off the train and was looking for the hostel, I saw a drunk man with his pants down, facing the bush, taking a leak. About 50m ahead, this old lady (in an open space) pulled down her pants and hiked up her dress and popped a squat, and there were MULTIPLE old drunks staggering around. This was when I was semi-scared...because the sun was going down and I started whining and bitching, instead of just looking and seeing the huge sign for the hostel!

But either way, I'm glad I went to Bratislava; I'm also glad I have left. Today, I have safely arrived in Prague, Czech Republic. I plan on logging a week here before moving on! This place seems cool, and I'm excited to explore every nook and crany it has to offer. Suggestions always welcome.

Until next time...

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